Spot Prawn and Fiddle Fest

We have added an event to our calendar that we are quite excited about: The 1st Annual Spot Prawn and Fiddle Fest to be held all day on Sunday, June 12th at MacDonald Park.

See the event listing for details.

Our club is one of the hosts and we will be drawing upon our amazing community as we need many volunteers to make this a success:

  • Peelers will contribute an hour of their time to peel prawns at any time during the day

  • Movers will contribute their morning - between 7 am and 10 am - to help with vendor unloading

A portion of the proceeds from the event will be coming to the club to offset the cost of our new Youth Coordinator that we have hired to help manage and support our burgeoning youth programs.

If you are a parent then you should be hearing from your coaches about how your kids will be involved and at what time.

We are encouraging all families to come out and invite anyone you know who might like a fun family day AND learn more about rugby.