JBAA U14 Girls are Island Champs!
Coach Brad had the following to say about the U14 girls win on Sunday:
The JBAA U14 girls won the Vancouver Island Regional Final on Sunday against Westshore at the Piggy-dome.
In a season filled with crazy weather cancellations and COVID concerns, this day was special. It was a cold, hard victory for our girls by a score of 34-14. After training at The Tundra all week, it was perfect.
All of the girls had amazing moments of the game. We won with our tenacity at the breakdown and our passing teamwork. Our pass-count was really high and we looked dangerous passing the ball. That's teamwork, support being in the right place, skills to execute. More than a couple of times that attacking lines got all the coaches jumping and we lost count of the silent "yeses".
But let's also tip our hats to our competitors as well, because their defense was really good in the first half of the game. We eventually wore them down, but they scored some great tries, and led the game in the early going. Worthy finalists.
Thank you to all of your families, for donating your time and your daughters' dedication to rugby. Our sport is better for your involvement.
Huddy Huddy Bays!
Special thanks to Matthew Martin Photography and Coach Corey for the photos.