Bays swat hornets

Our normal game reporter was away and instead we have Coach Sean’s game notes:

  • Incredibly wet day

  • Slow start for both teams out of the gate

  • 8th minute Nanaimo breaks through after building pressure and scores under the posts 7-0 Nanaimo

  • 16th minute JBAA gains a penalty at half and kicks the ball out 10m from Nanaimo goal line. Subsequent maul is held up. This will become a common theme before half.

  • Lots of back and forth over the next 20 mins. A very stop and start game that our newly formed front row did a great job against a very experienced Front Row of Nanaimo consisting of 2 Tide props.

  • From inside the JBAA 22m line, Mostyn clears the ball the length of the field and secures a 50-22 for JBAA. This was the momentum we needed to begin to build pressure.

  • 26th Minute JBAA line out just inside the Nanaimo 22m line. a 15-20m maul ends up collapsing and the ball is turned over.

  • After a poor exit strategy from Nanaimo, JBAA has another LO 10 meters from Nanaimo's goal line. This maul is 'held up' again for the ref. The 5 or 6 celebrating JBAA players would say otherwise.

  • Under consistent pressure over the last 15 minutes, Nanaimo intercepts a pass and runs 40m to relieve the imminent danger of JBAA points .

  • 37th minute however, After a poor Nanaimo clearance kick, a string of JBAA passes and exquisite counterattack through the hands of Keith Graham to Isaac Gonevou leads to a JBAA just before half

7-5 Nanaimo at Half

  • 2nd half starts with a little more energy from JBAA but were unable to turn it into points.

  • 46th minute Nanaimo kicks a penalty 10-5 Nanaimo

  • Soon after that proceeding KO, JBAA spreads the ball with width, attacking on the Nanaimo 40m line as Mostyn Findlay pokes a kick through for Taine Clague to touch the ball down for JBAA second try of the afternoon. 10-10 as the conversion is missed again.

  • As the bench players begin to roll in, each one makes a noticeable impact with their energy.

  • Peter Masimo tackle after tackle

  • Craig and Lucas unlocking the outside channel with crisp miss passes from Mitch Sora

  • All this attacking pressure across the full field which has turned into a mud puddle culminates in the 70th minute when Lucas Neilson breaking on the edge of the pitch, executing a world class chip and chase off his right foot that the Nanaimo player touches down in the end goal a split second before Lucas can reign it in. Goal line drop out.

  • On the goal line drop out, Keith Graham, takes the ball after it bounces off Taines head, 35m on whats become a classic Keith Graham try of making 4 defenders miss. Keith scores 15-10 good guys.

  • With 5 minutes left to play, JBAA strings an attack out to the left after a quick ball at the breakdown. Peter to Kieth, Keith doing his best Lucas Neilson impression kicks the ball overtop of the last defender only to have the ball roll out a few meters short of the goal line.

After a few more kicks, drops, scrums and knock-ons the game ends 15-10 for JBAA.