Lew Madley: The First Hundred Years

Happy 100th Birthday Lew Madley!!!

Lew was born in Cardiff Wales November 16th, 1921. His father worked in the docks, so it was only natural that Lew would as well. He served his apprenticeship as a shipwright but the Second World War broke out and his life changed dramatically. He served the whole war as a ground crew member with the RAF and was in the N Africa campaign and later in Sicilly and Italy. Once the war was over Lew came back to a much changed Cardiff, the war had taken its toll.

Lew came to Canada to make a new life for himself. He worked for timber outfits back east and in NW BC for a number of years but eventually got involved with the Socred Party of BC which led to him becoming an assistant to the minister of Highways. An achievement he is justly proud of is that he was very much involved with the research and planning of the Roberts Bank freight terminal.

About this time, in the early 1970’s, Lew was introduced to the James Bay Athletic Association. Coming from Wales, Lew was keen to watch rugby and rugby was what the JBAA was all about. Lew quickly became an enthusiastic member of the Club and served as President in the early 1980’s.

Always interested in writing, Lew has written a number of novels and children’s book’s. Around the club he is most famous for authoring the book “JBAA The First Hundred Years”, which has been a font of information for our club and a great reference of our history.

Spry for a man in his 90’s, Lew liked to go to MacDonald Park and watch James Bay play. Even at 100, Lew still gets around on his own, he lives in an assisted living situation, but has his own suite.

Lew has been a dutiful servant to the people of British Columbia, but also and especially to the membership of the James Bay Athletic Association. We wish him a happy 100th Birthday.

Huddy! Huddy!