Today’s games against Vancouver Rowing Club will decide who retains the Cox and Ferguson cups for the year, as part of an ongoing rivalry that started in 1908.
Blake van Heyningen holding the Cox Cup back in 2019
What started out as a way for VRC rowers to maintain their fitness year-round has transformed into a long standing tradition of yearly matches. The only years in which JBAA and VRC didn’t play were because of the two world wars, and now we add the ‘pandemic years’.
The Cox Cup was introduced to this rivalry in 1938 when Vancouver Rowing Club member A.H. Cox donated a challenge cup for the winning team to hold for the year. In subsequent years a trophy in memory of VRC member R. Ferguson was added for the reserve team competition.
No record is kept on wins and losses as holding the cup the year you win is all that’s important.
JBAA currently holds the Ferguson Cup and Rowers will be defending the Cox Cup.
The Reserve teams will play at 1 pm; competing for the Ferguson Cup.
The Premier teams will play at 2:30 pm for the Cox Cup.