Here's what happened yesterday at the Mac in case you missed it (like the Ravens missed their ferry).
Thomas Burton got us underway an hour early, at 1330 instead of 1430, with a high kick-off. One of the Seattle props couldn't handle it, and knocked it on. Funny, because the low autumn sun was actually at his back.
The prop, now upset with his frying pan hands, took out his rage on the JBAA front-row, winning a penalty at the set. A bit concerning, but don't fret, Blake and co. sorted it out quickly.
The first ten minutes of the game saw a lot of penalties, a lot of knock-ons, and a lot of sideways running (for the love of everything good in the world, straighten-up). Save one errant Seattle kick deep into JBAA territory, the Bays maintained all possession and territory. Full credit to the Bays number 9, Brady White, who provided a quick and crisp ball from the base throughout.
At 13 minutes, a nice back play sees Mitch find Nate Tough, who finds someone else (sorry, the sun), who ultimately finds Jake Slobo. Jake, looking more and more like Sebastian Chabal each week, touched down without issue. Thomas Burton slotted the conversion. 7-0 Bays.
Seattle came roaring back, only to knock on about 5m from the JBAA in-goal. Thankfully, no Bays cheered the error (more on that below). The ensuing play involved some clever cross-kicking from Seattle, but the JBAA wingers provided lead-with-the-face tackling in defence, stymying the Americans.
At 20 minutes, against the run of play, a little bit of talent from a Yank - and a little bit of suspect defence from the Bays - saw a American jaunt about 50m to score under the posts. The kick was fine. 7-7 halfway through half one.
Scrummages looked like rugby league lean-ons for the rest of the half. We don't know why, but it was interesting. Here, a comment from what was mentioned above: this isn't volleyball (thanks, Dave Ramsay). Cheering when your opponent makes an unforced error isn't anything to cheer about. Seattle players and fans, on a number of occasions, cheered errant Bays' passes or knock ons. Figure it out.
After an Isaac fendfest, the Bays won a penalty at 30 minutes and Thomas made no mistake. 10-7 with about ten to go. Shortly after the kick-off, Thomas's clearance was blocked, and Seattle looked destined to score, only for one of the JBAA wingers to once again put in a lead-with-the-face tackle, halting the Yankee attack.
Those bloody Yanks hit a penalty a few minutes later, but the Bays responded quickly, with one of the face-tackler wingers scoring out wide. After missing a penalty a few minutes earlier, Thomas slotted this kick. 17-10 at the half.
Half two started with more volleyball-like cheering from Seattle. The good (pathetic) vibes seemed to work out, however, because Seattle, after controlling most possession and territory. scored six minutes in. 17-15 Bays.
A different Brain Trust, this time on the opposite side of the field of Rush and Jono, remark as to why the heck the Bays don't take advantage of sun-in-your-eyes Coffin Corner.
Teigan White impressed early in half two, dusting a few losers before finding Blake who inadvertently passed to the wrong team (he makes up for it in the end, don't worry).
Seattle, now with a bit of volleyball confidence, scored again six minutes later. 20-17 Seattle. A text message update to 'The President' received an R-Rated response.
With twenty minutes left, the Bays finally realized the Mac has a horrific slope with a bad sunset this time of year, and constantly pounded the ball into Coffin Corner. Tom chipped, chased, regathered in the sloped part of the field, and scored at 20 minutes. He slotted his own convert. 24-20 Bays.
Unfortunately, the Bays then stopped thinking about that corner for the next 19 minutes. Seattle scored again ten minutes later, against the run of the play. They converted it too. 27-24.
Back to the Corner the Bays went for the rest of the game. Winning line-out after line-out and setting up maul after maul. Great lineouts on the day, from Chabal and Shea by the way. With a few minutes to go it looked like the Bays pulled off a perfect rolling maul, with someone touching down. They obstructed, though, so it was called back.
A penalty was awarded with seconds left, Thomas kicked deep in the Corner. Another impressive long line-out was won, and after a maul and a few phases, the formerly confused Blake touched down. Thomas kicked the convert, and as the ball drifted through the uprights, the referee blew his whistle for full-time.
31-27 for JBAA the final.