We need your help to accommodate incoming players!

The James Bay Athletic Association has been proudly providing sporting and growth opportunities for young athletes for over 130 years. Family, integrity, and accountability are three of the values upon which we are continuing our championship culture that is focused on creating a fun, positive, empowering, challenging, athlete-centred high-performance environment.

We believe wholeheartedly that the club’s success is expressed through the growth and development of our athletes regardless of their regional or national origins. Quite simply, our mission is to help young athletes find their personal best.

In the case of “if you build it, they will come” our mission is attracting the attention of Rugby athletes from across Canada and all over the world to add to our excellent nucleus of homegrown talent. Specifically, we have a number of incoming players coming from the outside of Victoria. The quality of the squad exemplified by the commitment and attitude promise for a successful season.

To enable this to happen, we need your help. As you all know, real estate and rooming in Victoria can be prohibitively expensive. The team is asking for any help in finding accommodation that you can provide; whether it be as a billet volunteer or a link to a suitable and affordable accommodation/suite.

Thanks in advance for aiding in their quest to find their best with us here at James Bay